2 In 2 Out

Kent County Chiefs Association

Standard Operating Guidelines &

Standard Operating Procedures

Subject: 2 In 2 Out

SOG # 1-10


January 2002

Approved by: President CJ Morales



To Establish Standard Guidelines that shall serve to provide a safe working environment for all personnel and to reduce the risk of injury or death as result of department operations at emergency incidents. This guideline shall serve to comply with the 2 in 2 out provision of the OSHA Respiratory Protection Final Rule (29 CFR part 1910).


To operate as safely and effectively on emergency scene as possible, The Kent County Fire Chiefs’ Association has established the following guidelines, which shall be adhered to by all Companies and or Departments operating in Kent County.


  1. IDLH Atmosphere – Immediately dangerous of life and health. An atmospheric concentration of any toxic, corrosive or asphyxiant substance that posses an immediate threat to life or would cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects or would interfere with an individual’s ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere.

  1. Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) – A specifically designated team (minimum of two members) designed to provide personnel for the rescue of emergency incidents if the need arises.

  1. Incipient Fire – A fire in the initial or beginning stage, which can be controlled or extinguished by portable fire extinguishers.

  1. PAT – Personal Accountability Tag

  1. Qualified Firefighter – Any individual who has successful completed MFRI Basic, Firefighter I or equivalent.


  1. The first arriving company shall determine if the incident involves an “IDLH Atmosphere”. At no time shall individuals enter an IDLH atmosphere independently. Teams of at least two (2) SCBA equipped personnel shall be required for entry into such an atmosphere at all times.

  1. In fire situations, it will be necessary for the incident commander to determine if the fire is in the incipient stage. A team of two (2)-qualified firefighters may take action to extinguish an incipient fire without the establishment of an initial Rapid Intervention Team (RIT).

  1. If the presence of an “IDLH Atmosphere” has determined, and there are less than five (5)-qualified firefighters on the scene, the companies shall wait until at least 5 qualified firefighters are assembled on the scene before initiating operations within the IDLH atmosphere.

  1. Two (2) qualified firefighters may begin operating within the IDLH atmosphere as long as two (2) additional qualified firefighters (properly equipped) are outside the IDLH atmosphere to serve as the initial rapid intervention team (RIT), and one (1) person maintains the operation of the pump.

  1. RIT team members may be assigned other tasks and/or functions so long as these tasks and/or functions can be abandoned, without placing any personnel at additional risk, if rescue or assistance is needed.

  1. Members operating in IDLH atmospheres must SCBA and work in teams of two (2) or more. They shall also maintain voice or visual contact with each other at all times.

  1. Portable radios and/or safety rope tethering are not acceptable as replacements for voice or visual contact with each other at all times.

  1. Radios can (and should) be used for fire ground communications, including communications between interior and exterior. They cannot, however, be the sole tool for accounting for one’s partner during interior operations.

  1. Team members must be in close proximity to each other to provide assistance in case of emergency.

  1. Until five (5) firefighters are assembled, operations outside of the IDLH atmosphere shall commence immediately in accordance with company and/or department S.O.G.’s.

  1. Such operations include but are not limited to; establishment of water supply, exterior fire attack, establishment of a hot zone, utility control, ventilation, placement of ladders, forcible entry, exposure protection, and any other exterior operations deemed appropriate by the incident commander.

  1. As the incident progresses to the point of more than one (1) interior team, an identified & dedicated Rapid Intervention Team shall be established & positioned immediately outside the IDLH atmosphere.

  1. This team shall be fully outfitted with protective clothing & SCBA with the air mask in a ready position to don, a portable radio, & other required rescue equipment.

  1. Both team members will be dedicated to performing rescue & shall not be assigned other duties unless a replacement team member is assigned.

  1. A charged hose line should be dedicated to this team.

  1. If the incident is in a high or mid-rise structure, large area facility, or other area with multiple IDLH atmosphere, the incident commander shall establish the necessary number of rapid intervention teams so that rescue can be accomplished without a deployment delay.

  1. A team should be considered for each remote access point on any large facility.

  1. The incident commander will be responsible for determining the number of teams needed based on the specifics of the incident.

  1. If a firefighter(s) becomes trapped, disabled, or otherwise in need of assistance by the Rapid Intervention Team, the incident commander shall announce this action to Kent Central via radio. In turn, Kent Central shall simulcast the emergency message signal & announce that a rescue is in progress.

  1. All radio traffic not directly related to the firefighter(s) rescue should cease immediately to facilitate the rescue.

  1. An immediate personnel accountability report (PAR) shall be conducted.

  1. The incident commander shall then assign personnel to assist in the rescue & to assist the rapid intervention team as deemed appropriate.

  1. The RIT shall continue to inform the incident commander of their progress & actions taken during the rescue.

  1. Should the incident commander order a building evacuation, a PAR shall be conducted.

  1. Immediately after the building has been evacuated. The RIT shall remain in place for immediate activation should a team fail to report during the PAR.


  1. If upon arrival at a fire emergency, members find a fire in its incipient stage, extinguishment of such fire shall be permitted with less than five (5) persons on the scene.

  1. Extinguishment of outside fires such as dumpster, brush, or automobile, shall be permitted with less than five (5) persons, even it SCBA are being worn.

  1. If upon arrival at the scene, members find an imminent life-threatening situation or probable life-threatening situation where immediate action may prevent loss of life or serious injury, such action shall be permitted with less than five (5) persons on scene when the probability of a rescue is made in accordance with normal size-up indicators & fireground evaluation factors.

  1. Examples – report of persons inside, signs of persons inside, etc.

  1. The incident commander shall evaluate the situation, considering the occupancy, time of day, day of week, reports from persons on the scene, signs that persons may be inside the structure, etc.

  1. In the absence of clear signs or a report from a responsible person on the scene that people are in the structure, it is to be assumed that no life hazard exists & interior attack shall not be initiated until the minimum five (5) persons arrive on the scene.

  1. If members are going to initiate actions that would involve entering an IDLH atmosphere because of a probable or imminent life-threatening situation where immediate action may prevent the loss of life or serious injury, & personnel are not on the scene to establish a RIT, the members should carefully evaluate the level of risk that would be exposed to by taking such actions.

  1. In all cases a minimum of two people shall form the entry team.

  1. If it is determined that the situation warrants immediate intervention & five people are not on the scene, the incident commander shall notify Kent Central of the intent to enter the IDLH atmosphere prior to the availability of a RIT.

  1. Kent Central shall then notify all responding companies of this action & receive acknowledgement from each company that the transmission was received.

  1. Should the incident commander on the scene deviate from this guideline, the actions taken shall be documented on the fire incident report.

  1. The narrative of this report shall be by the incident commander & outline the reasons, rationale, justification, & end result of the deviation from the SOG.

  1. All information in the report shall be of enough depth so as to provide a comprehensive understanding of the actions taken.

Betterton Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

Chief James L. Price, Sr.

Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

Chief F. Bruce Neal

Community Volunteer Fire Company of Millington, Inc.

Chief CJ Morales

Galena Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

Chief Christopher A. Powell

Kennedyville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.

Chief John Krastel

Kent & Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad, Inc.

Chief Eric Jackson

Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.

Chief Kenneth Smith

Kent County Emergency Service Board

Chair Charlene Perry


1-10 - 2 In 2 Out