Kent County Maryland Fire & EMS

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes from the Kent County Chiefs and EMS Council will be posted here.  

The Fire Chiefs along with the EMS Council meet once a month.

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - August 2024

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price at 1902 hrs. at Station 7  Aug 22, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyles, Eric  Station 3- Jeff Hurley Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon, Bob Gwenn Station 5- R. Grapes, Tim Morris, Tina, Station 6-John Darling Station 7- Matt Dowling, Kevin Middleton, Mike Pinder, R J Dowling Station 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings, OES: Brad Russum, Pete Landon


Motion to accept minutes by Jason Lobley, Second by Otis Darling and carried by members present.

Treasurer report: Mark Dixon

Aug. 22, 2024 Checking opening14,384.40 deposit 5000.95 withdrawl 2,266.62 Balance 17,118.73.   County allotment 5,000.00KVFC 1920.00 Fit Test machine, Clark Seafood 250.00, Dollar General 21.35, Walmart 75.27 Chief’s Dinner at Station 6.

                     Savings 39,925.00 No Withdrawl or deposit

                     Total Monies on hand 57,043.73

EMS Council: Kathy Hastings

Aug. 22, 2024 Beginning 11,481.85  check MIEMSS 50.00(1064) protocol books check MIEMSS600.00(1065)protocol books Ending Balance 10,831.85


OES: Pete Landon  ESB approved the changes to be made to the Law

                             NEW EMS building contract has been awarded

                         2 new EMS units coming on line soon.

                         EMS Billing is still an ongoing. Issues have stalled.\              

                         2016 Billing agreement is still in effect.

         Brad: Radio batteries are in stock

         Jason: Still have the billing issues.

               2024 Protocol books are in for distribution tonight.

Training: Otis. ICS 300-400 need a class this year maybe in the fall or winter

                     Let Otis know if you have members who will attend.

                     LAPC meeting last Tuesday  was attended by Otis.

                     Water training to held in spring 2025.

Old Business: Code of Ethics MOU passed unanimously

                     Hall of Fame MOU passed unanimously

                     2nd reading of bylaws change was read tonight and

 to be voted on in September.


EMS Billing was discussed and voted on that if you have a driver or provider the split will 80-20 with the county if they upgrade. The split with an ALS upgrade will 60-40 with the County

Voting Sta 2 Yes, Sta 3obstained, Sta 4 Yes, Sta 5 Yes, Sta 6 Yes, Sta 7 Yes, Sta 8 Yes. Motion made by Otis and Sec by Jason to sign draft of this change at the Sept. meeting.


Still no bids on trailer that is for sale.


New Business: Worton Park events are no charge for 1 unit from each company.

Fran Jester advised that there are 2 class members from Kent in the Votec class at Centreville.

We may have two scholarships this year at 1,000.00 each from the Chief’s. All companies in attendance agreed to this proposal.


The old Standards had an age of 24 years of age to be an Officer. Please take Officers classes now, not then.


Otis made a motion to buy a 50.00 gift card for Bert’s son. Motion carried with those in attendance.

Sept 28 training in Cordova on how to read smoke.

         Down rigging weekend also.


The meeting was adjorned at 200:05. Next meeting at Station 6 at 7pm. All companies are urged to have representation for the Billing MOU signing.



Allan Schauber



Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - July 2024

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs. at Station 6  July 25, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyles  Station 3- Bert Piaseki, Chris Powell Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon, Bob Gwenn Station 5- R. Grapes, Phil Lott, Tim Morris, Station 6-John Darling Station 7- Matt Dowling, Mike Pinder, Andrea Edwards 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings, OES: Brad Russum, Pete Landon, Logan Quinn, Guest- Bill Faust, Mani Faust & Steve Slodysko.


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by  and carried by members present.


Bill Faust: MSFA name has been officially changed to the Maryland State Firefighters Association.  Bill is now the 2nd Vice President of the Association and the Convention will be held in Ocean City for 2 more years. His relative Mai Faust has filled the position on the Executive Committee. His phone number is 410-490-2688


Steve Slodysko talked about his foundation giving stuffed bears to kids on ambulances. He is having a fundraiser at KCHS on October 4th.


Treasurer: Mark Dixon gave his monthly report

         Checking: Opening 14,383.42, deposit .98 closing 14,384.40

         Savings: Opening 39,919.66, deposit 2.45 closing 39,922.11

          Total on hand 54,306.51

EMS Council: Kathy Hastings gave her report

         Checking Opening 11,706.36 Withdraw 224.51 for Pallet of water,

         Closing balance 11,481.85

OES: Pete.  Good Communications lately

             Thanked the Chiefs for working with the Commissioners

             Money from billing will stay in the EMS Community

       Brad: Anyone needing batteries contact Brad

       Loga: Short 1 Paramedic currently

                           4 new EMT’s being hired to staff Betterton

                   Galena will host pediatric training on Oct 1 & 2

EMS Council: Jason reported that 50 Protocol books will be in tomorrow.

                    12 cases of water are in for each company

Training: Otis reported on the Rescue training in Q.A. County at 4H park

         Working on grain rescue kit for Rock Hall

         Otis has the red cards from the MVA for drivers.


SOG’s Chris went over the 4 bylaws and this was the first reading

           Talked about preplan Draft sites.

Old Business: Billing Companies  Quick meds are with Sta 5,8

                                               Spedlin Sta. 2&7  Artee is with  Sta 3

Discussion was held on billing. All Companies to bring back notes to August meeting to be discussed

The Trailer received NO BIDS, now open to public at a reduced price of $1500.00


New Business:

Allan asked all companies to have a representative at the Elks Lodge at 7 pm on Aug 6th for a donation check.

County Commissioners are sending all companies a 400.00 check which will cover liquor licenses for companies that have those licenses.


With no other business for the good of the Association the meeting was adjorned at 2003 hrs.

Next meeting in  Rock Hall on August 22,2024 at 1900 hrs.



Allan W Schauber



Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - June 2024

Kent County Office of Emergency Services

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs. at Station 5  June 27, 2024  


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag 


Roll Call 

Station 2- Charlie Boyles  Station 3- Bert Piaseki, Chris Powell Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon, Bob Gwenn Station 5- R. Grapes,Phil Lott, Tim Morris, Station 6-John Darling Station 7- Mtt Dowling, Mike Pinder, Andrea Edwards 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings, OES: Brad Russum MFRI Jack Beall 


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Jason Lobley and carried by members present. 


MFRI_ Jack Beall: Seminars on Aug 19-20th at National Fire Academy 

                               Fall classes are now on MFRI web site 


Treasurer Report: Checking opening 11261.68, deposit 3,896.74 (EMS Council 3,895.00 for Banquet, May interest 81, June interest93) withdrawls 775.00( Kennedyville for fit machine testing) Current Balance 14,383.42 

Savings Opening 39,916.35 (Interest 2.71) Current Balance 39,919.66 

Total on Hand Amount 54,303.08 

Motion to accept Treasurer report by Jason Lobley, second by Charlie Boyles and motion carried. 

Request a letter to be sent to County for 5,000.00 allotment to KCCA 


OES: Brad for Logan New part time EMT has started. Paul Quibick 

                                    FYI budget was approved by Commissioners 

                                    60,000.00 more to Volunteers this year also. 

EMS: Jason needs a list from 2,3,6 &7 for protocol books. 

A picture presentation was made to Kathy Hastings on being a past Chairman of EMS    Council. 

Kathy Hastings gave a Treasurer report for EMS Council of a 11,706.36 balance. 

Otis and Bert made a motion to purchase another pallet of water for distribution. 

Jason talked about updates to SOT8 trailer. 



Training: Otis advised that Jim Price working on Water Drill for fall. 

ISO papers have been delivered from last water drill. 

Force Entry prop is going to Rock Hall 

Looking at a Rural Water Supply class for spring 2025. 



E.S. Boards next meeting is Aug 5,2024 



Standards: Chris, to be handed out at next meeting. 

NFPA 1900 now covers all units except Marine 

NFPA 1910 is the Marine Standard. 

We will remove Dive and Tanker without pump from standards. 

SOG for fill site for Water Shuttle needed. 


Knox Box: Brad advised a new box was installed at Choptank Community Health located near station 6. 


Old Business: The Billing meeting was discussed at great length. 

             Currently 5 different billing companies in County for Fire/EMS 

            Contracts expire for Station 8 in 6/25 

                                             Station 2&7 in 2026 

                                             Station 5& 3 not sure. 

A letter is to be written to all the billing companies asking what they can do for us and 

What they are currently doing and at what cost to the companies. The County EMS is to be included in this letter. 


A letter is to be written to the E.S. Board for the Fire Dept. to be added to the Annual report to the Commissioners including the terms of compliance and repercussions. 

      All members present voted yes for this to happen. 


There was a question of prealerts being cancelled. Prealerts will stay on for Station 5 only. 

New Business: Sealed Bids will be accepted for the trailer and it will be sold in house 

to the EMS/Fire Community first. July 25th deadline for bids with a minimum bid of 2,000.00 


Tone Alerts- some stations are working 

With no other business for the association the meeting wsa adjorned at 2050hrs. Next meeting at Station 6 on July 25 at 1900 hrs. 


Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - May 2024

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs. at Station 4  May 23, 2024


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Eric & Rick McIntyre  Station 3- Bert Piaseki, Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon, Station 5- Reni Grapes, Station 6-John Darling Station 7- Mike Pinder 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings, OES: Pete Landon, Brad Russum, Logan Quinn, MIEMSS. Bryan Eberling


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Bert Piaseki and carried by members present.


OES: Sheriff Hickman talked about Bill 404Wellness checks, Section C addresses Fire/EMS with Life Threatening conditions. Sheriff’s department will continue with its current policy.


Logan :  Paramedics are still short, EMS reports need to be done within 2 hrs. from call.

              COVID Tests are still available. AED’s to be place around the County at Worton Park,

              Betterton Beah, Rock Hall Park. We should go through representative to purchase to get

              The state contract price, Chris Carter and Brandon McGinnis have been approved as


Brad: Civil Defense- Who is responsible for sirens?

                                    Station 6 is not working – Will test all sirens soon.

                        `       Fire House Sub does AED grants

         Workman’s Comp has been paid and 11,319.00 will be coming back from   

         Workman’s Comp Insurance Policy.


MIEMSS-Bryan Eberling

                                    National EMS Week this week.        

                                    EMT renewal is being discussed, look for changes soon.

                                    Skills session will remain 9 hrs. skills and 15 hrs. classroom

                                    Transfer of care times are a MUST.

                                    Volunteer ambulance inspection will have some changes coming soon.


Treasurer Report: Mark Dixon

            April 25, 2024: Checking Opening 21224.23 deposit 1.53, withdrawl 10,684.65, Balance 10,539.58(Withdrawls 1,900.00 Citation Bars, 1,995.00 Plaques, 6,000.00 Banquet Dinner, 400.00 Banquet Bar Bill, 200.00 DJ Banquet, 189.95 Trailer Parts)

        Savings 39,911.61 deposit 5.34 interest, Balance 39,916.95

            Total Money on hand 50,456.53


            May 23,2024 Checking Opening: 10,539.58, deposit 3,200.00, withdrawl 2,477.90 Balance11,261.68. Withdrawls 3200.00 KVFC ½ Banquet, Withdrawls 2,100.00 Chief Technology, 152.27 Walmart, 225.63 Walmart

         Savings: 39,916.95.   Total Money on hand 51,178.63

EMS Treasurer report: Kathy Hastings

Beginning 15,171.36 National Fallen Firefighter 250.00, Thanksgiving Dinner for Dispatchers 180.00, ½ Hall of Fame Dinner 3,895.00 Closing Balance 11,706.36


EMS Council: Jason

            Binders handed out to all Companies

            Need number of Protocol Books needed from each company.


Training: Otis

            Radiology class was very good.

            Alpha/Beta was infield here in Kent

            Batt. 3 in Queen Anne’s will have a water Supply drill.

            ISO testing is complete

Old Business: No Coast Guard in Still Pond for 2024

            EMS Billing needs to come up with a plan soon.

            Communication meeting went well and will see were it goes.

New Business: Tea Party is Saturday, use caution coming into Chestertown

              Sta 3 Chief’s Trailer has a whole in roof. Motion made, sec to sell the trailer as

              Soon as Title is found.


With no other business for the good of the Association a motion was made and second to adjourn the meeting at 20:00 hrs. The next meeting will be held at Station 5 on June 27th at 1900 hrs.

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - April 2024

Roll Call:

Kent OES: Director Landon, EMS-Chief Quinn, Comm-Chief Russum

Station 2: Charlie Boyles, Eric Crosley

Station 3: Bert Piasecki, Scott Duhammell, Jeff Haley

Station 4: Jimmy Price, Mark Dixon

Station 5: Renny Grapes

Station 6: John Darling

Station 7: Mike Pinder

Station 8: Jason Lobley

MFRI: Jack Beall

EMS Liaison: Bobbie Jo Trossbach

Guests From MSFA for Recruitment and Retention, Debbie and Steve Cox


MFRI Report:

·         May 4th Lithium-Ion Battery Training 10am – 1pm At Ridgely VFC

·         National Fire academy week was cancelled due to lack of sign up

·         Fall course requests are in the mail or should have arrived to each station

·         Congrats was given to Betty Jane on her retirement after 20 years of Service

·         Nina Cris is filling in until a permanent replacement is found

Hospital Report:

·         First Receiver Training is scheduled for May 16th from 8 am to 4pm. Request was made for participation, and an engine company from Chestertown

·         Bobbie Jo let the departments know about the Scott team’s new project, community Showers. A Flyer will be obtained and attached

OES Report – Director Landon:

·         May 7th Commissioners meeting was pushed back to the 21st at the request of the presenters, to better prepare

·         Billing agreement MOU’s are being reviewed

OES Report – Chief Russum:

·         OES Met with RACES group for annual meeting

·         Discussion was had on the blue carts with the aging equipment at each station. Chief Russum requested meeting at each of the stations with a representative and the RACES group to go over the equipment inside

·         Chief Russum requested to send Each Chiefs email to the RACES lead, Unanimous vote to approve

·         Chief Russum also recommended and wanted to request (Amateur Radio) training

·         Nims 300 Class is scheduled in Saulsbury May 20th – 22nd

·         Chief Russum advised he had 8 pagers in stock, if you need them, contact him

·         There is an active 911 patch scheduled to address noted issues

·         A thank you card was noted by Chief Russum, for items received during Communication specialist's week

·         Julissa Wright has been offered the open 911 specialist position

·         Chief Russum updated the Fire + EMS website to reflect the Hall of Fame recipients as well as the Video

OES report – Chief Quinn:

·         The open EMT position has been offered to Amanda Cox. She will be starting in the next few weeks

·         Chief Quinn has noticed a trend in BLS staffed ambulances arriving on scene and still requesting ALS evaluations/ and committing to BLS calls. Please, BLS calls appropriately to allow the county medics to respond and be available for ALS calls.

·         Pediatric Reference cards were brought to the meeting and dispersed to the transport companies for their ambulances and chase cars, as well as First responder chase vehicles.

·         Chief Quinn will be requesting PHTLS and EPC. Anyone interested in the class, contact him. You do not need to be a Paramedic to attend

·         New public access AEDS are being installed at the Betterton beach bath house, The Rock Hall Landing, and the Worton park Bathrooms.

KCSO – Note from Deputy Sherriff Scott Duhammell:

·         Deputy Duhammell passed along a recent uptick in Arsons related to Tac-team activities, and to be on the look out


HOF Update – Chris Powell:

·         106 attendees for the Hall of Fame dinner

·         A corrected packet was sent to all the Chiefs, with updates to a few members who were listed as deceased... But aren’t 

·         Coins will only be given to Hall of Fame inductees. They will not be available for trade or purchase, For the time being. Chris mentioned that he had extra bars and coins for the next dinner.

·         A Recommendation was made to do the HOF dinner and Chiefs dinner every two years moving forward. The next dinner would be scheduled for 2026


Standards – Chris Powell:

·         Chris forwarded generic Standards for EMS-related vehicles to Jason Lobley to review and submit additions. Jason was sending them to Chief Quinn for his recommendations as well.


EMS council – Jason Lobley:

·         Request was made to fund the purchase of the spiral bound protocol books for any member who wants them, as well as the Chase units and ambulances. Each station was requested to provide a list

·         A general reminder was made about completing EMEDS reports. Any provider functioning in the county must complete their EMEDs chart within 24 hours of the call being completed. Priority 1 Calls are to be completed within 2 hours of the call being completed.

·         A list of the station preceptors has been updated and will be sent out to each Chief

·         A Request was made by Chief Darling to Add a section in the clearance packet in regard to EMR Clearance requirements

 Special Guests – Recruitment and retention, Steve Cox Discussion

·         Steve Cox from the MSFA executive committee discussed new Legislation and requested the help of the KCCA, to stop MD Bill 404, Which Steve referred to as, wanting the closest unit, whether that was fire, EMS, or PD to respond to welfare checks. He referenced the poor outcome in PG county, that resulted in the death of an EMS crew member.

·         Steve also Sited the importance of pushback on OSHA 1910-156 in regard to the acceptance of training, prior to 2023.

·         Debbie from MSFA Recruitment and retention advised that the recruitment grant was still available if anyone had not already put in the request for it. She also advised there was a Recruitment and Retention class at the Northeast Regional Training Center, on May 18th  and 19th


Station 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 had nothing to report

Station 6 – Reminder that tea party was on May 25th and to use caution responding to the Chestertown area due to large influx of traffic and citizens

Station 8 – If anyone has providers that would like to participate in Tea party coverage, please have them reach out. Any help is appreciated.


The meeting was adjourned with no other business, The next Meeting is scheduled in Kennedyville at 1900 Hours, on 05/23/2024

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - February 2024

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 8  Feb 8, 2024 


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle  Station 3- Chris Powell, Jeff Haley, Bert Piaseki Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5- Reni Grapes, Station 6-John Darling Station 7- Troy White, Kevin Middleton, Matt Dowling 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings, OES: Pete Landon, Brad Russum, Logan Quinn, MFRI Jack Bealle


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Jeff Hailey and carried by members present. 


OES: Pete:  EMS Bldg being finalized soon.

      Lynch generator not  working

      AFG-FEMA grant due on March8th

      Fire side will have notes to Commissioners with EMS report

        Brad:  Anne Arundel Co. has been upgraded in radios

      New list for Workman’s Comp needs to be upgraded ASAP

                   Will update cards at 911 soon

                   Otis has reached out to County about funding from the County

    Logan: EMS has changed staffing locations due to short staff

                Suspensions for ALS to Cecil Co. at this time.

                For Ambulance 1 use call Chief Quinn ONLY

                Affiliation requests call Chief Quinn ONLY

                PM 1-3 to upgrade Amb 2 still


MFRI: Jack  March 2 is the Hogland Conference

                     March 3-8 is National Fire Staff and Command in Annapolis

                     National Test in Centreville this Saturday

                     March 4 is new EMT class start in Centreville

                     Fb 14 is EMT refresher start at Chestertown

MIEMSS Mike Parsons: We are tracking transfer of care times

    Still having problems with testing


Treasurer report : Mark Dixon

Checking: Starting 16,119.45 deposit 9,426.17 withdrawls 3,728.72 

      Current Balance 21,816.90. Deposits 9175.00 insurance         reimbursement, 250.00 donation for drill. Withdrawls  2,900.00       Chester River Seafood for xmas party, 172.00 Chris Powell for                              standards, 50.00 Jessie Downey for Challenge coins, 97.38 Sam’s       Club, 508.74 Neal Funeral

Savings: Starting 28,901.00 Deposit 11,008.07 Current Balance 39,909.07

Total Money on hand: 61,725.97

Motion made, second and carried to accept the Treasurers report

E/S Board: Chris reported New MOU’s are coming and billing is a hot topic right now.


Knox Box: Brad reported working on programming


Standards: Chris reported Discussion on NFPA 1900 and units

(Chief’s association will not cover if Bearded member is injured. Further lengthy  discussion on this topic. All agreed to update and keep in place till then.)


HOF: Chris Envelopes handed out to all Chief’s tonight.

        Each Company please mail invitations to your members

        April 20 is Dinner at Station 3

        Plaques have been ordered. 

                    Coins are ordered and one shown to everyone in attendance.

Training: Otis said the Dixon building is available for training.

    Firefighter Safety is coming to Centreville in May

    Look for a hoist class in spring.

LOSAP: Allan handed out paperwork needing to be filled out by each Company for retirement   years. PLEASE BRING TO NEXT MEETING IN MILLINGTON


Old Business: Bert asked if a Jr. Officer could take radio’s home?

                        (Chief’s Discretion)

New Business: Pete Lott is being told about KCCA should have problems brought to them and  Not directly to the Commissioners.

Station 2 looking for small gear.

Station 6 thanked everyone for coming to Darlene Neals Funeral

Station 8 has the Washington Birthday Balloon Feb 24th.

With no other business for the good of the Association the meeting adjourned at 2015 hrs.


Next meeting at Station 2 at 1900hrs on March 28,2024

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - December 2023

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 7 Dec. 12, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Pete Compton, John Ogle, CJ Morales  Station 3- Chris Powell, Station 4- Jim Price, Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5- Reni Grapes, Station 6-John Darling, Kyle Thompson, Doug Wilson,  Station 7- Troy White, Becka Bigelow, Andrea Toulson 8 Allan Schauber,  Jason Lobley, Kathy & Larry Hastings,, Allan SchauberOES: Pete Landon, Brad Russum, Logan Quinn


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Brad Russum and carried by members present. 


OES: Pete Landon

New Facility coming for Lynch at Vickers Drive facility.

         Logan Quinn

      2 paramedics down and working on new facility


      Short Dispatching

      Bert Piasecki is new dispatcher

      Station 2 to have equipment for better use of cell phones and radios inside building.


EMS Council: Jason Lobley

                Nothing new till January


Knox Box: Letter to Know changing address to 104 Vickers Drive

                  Rock Hall &Kent EMS need boxes

                  Thanks to Larry H. for working on knox box for years

E.S. Board Chris Powell

      MOU’s are still in place but need to be updated.

                  Pete to include Fire to Annual EMS report to Commissioners

      Feb 5 was next E S meeting

Standards: Chris Powell

      Apparatus NFPA 1900standard to be updated in 2024

      $172.60 to purchase NFPA 1900 motion made and sec by Otis and Troy

HOF: Chris Powell

    Each company responsible send out invitations to their members.

                 April 20th  is the dinner date for HOF celebration.

Training: Otis Darling

                Winter training to be held somewhere.

    Rural Water supply had 80 people and was great training.

    Betterton strainer found on State trailer.

    Looking for drill site for 2024 need ideas for drill also.

Old Business: None

New Business: Treasuer Mark Dixon gave his report.

Jan 6 will be house burning in Rock Hall

            Check Cold water Gumbly suits for damage as they are getting some age on them.

Next meeting at Station 8 on Feb. 8, 2024 at 1900

Election of Officers for 2024 will be held this night so please have company             representation.

Motion was and sec. to close the meeting

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - October 2023

Chiefs Meeting Minutes for October ‘23


Personnel in Attendance:

2 – Charlie Boyles, Richard McIntyre                                                OES: David Zamara, Logan Quinn

3 – Bert Piasecki, Jeff Haley                                                                          Pete Landon, Brad Russum

4 – Jimmy Price, Mark Dixon

5 – Louie Mancusso                                                                           296: David Zamara, Bobbi Jo Trossbach

6 – John Darling

7 – Troy White, Krista Williams                                                                              MFRI: Jack Beall

8 – Jason Lobley, Kathy Hastings


EMS Council:

The first order of business for Discussion was the appointment of the EMS Council Emergency services board Representative. The 3 Nominees for discussion were Phil Russum, Andrea Edwards, and CJ Morales. Phil Russum was the name brought forward and passed by majority vote, 6-1. Phil Russum's name will be forwarded to Director Pete Landon to begin processing.


Chiefs Meeting:

County OES:

·         Pete advised that OES has received Grant funding for AED’s so they will begin plotting out where to put them throughout the county. They are also working on getting an updated list of AEDs throughout the county and letting stations know where they are as they are found.

·         Pete has requested that the EMS council discuss the billing agreements, as well as the billing options (Single Billing company, individual station companies)

·         IV-Tech Class has been postponed. Class dates will be given out to the participants and station representatives

·         Chief Quinn has received feedback from stations 2, 6 and 8 on Zoll training. Please reach out to him if youd like to schedule training for the new Zoll Advanced Monitors

·         Each Company needs to maintain their own units VAIP certifications

·         Chief Quinn Discussed the EMED’s Update to Version 3.5. There isnt much to be done on the front end, however on the administrative side questions will be updated. He passed along that each company needed to contact their billing company to ensure they were ready for the transition.  There is a 15-minute training on

·         Chief Quinn advised that he will only be managing the ALS clinician clearing with Dr, Zamara, please speak with Jason when finishing clearance packets for BLS providers.




·         Bobbi Jo Asked that we continue to track and manage turnover of care times for EMEDs reporting. The time stamps are inaccurate, and it is causing miemss to reflect negative time stamps and penalize Chester River. Logan advised there would be a policy coming out soon for County Employees to verbalize the time stamps on the radio to ensure the proper times are captured

Knox Box:

·         Chief Quinn made the request to upgrade the current Knox account to accommodate a cloud-based system for the Knox “Narcotics” Vaults. The cost would be about $584. The Motion was made by Otis, and seconded by Bert, unanimous vote to move forward with the upgrade. The request was also made to turnover the Knox System to the county OES.

·         Logan also made everyone aware that the current cost for a knox “narcotics” vault is approximately $2200.


Communications Chief Russum:

·         Radio programming was to start on Monday the 13th . He’s heard from everyone except for Rock Hall and Millington.

·         Radio upgrades will include WAC public safety channels, moving the Kent dynamic zone to the bottom of the zone list. It will also include a preset scan bank which will still be programmable.

·         Fire police radios and officer radios need to be in as well

·         Chief Russum also advised there was a pager issue in Galena, and found that there was an issue at the Massey Tower. Brad was able to fix the issue, and everything was back up and working.

·         There will be a CAD update on November 28th . A station cancel will be added to each station, which will be an optional spot on chief mobile to show that the call has been cancelled

·         Squad 5 has been placed on assignments in place of Engine 5-3



·         Check online for schedules and classes

·         Course selection rosters have been sent out to each station. Please submit the requests ASAP

·         There is a December 2nd EMT Refresher course coming up. Please sign up due to limited availability


Emergency Services Board:

·         ES Board met on October 16th to discuss billing issues, Pete advised there was good conversation throughout

·         Chris Powell let everyone know that MOU’s are still in place regardless of whose signature is on them. They should be updated but companies should still abide by them

·         The general discussion brought forth ideas of the billing kickbacks being brought to the EMS council instead of the general fund to “Reinvest” in the EMS system

Standards committee:

·         Chris powell is reviewing the SOG’s and Apparatus Standards to maintain compliance with changes and updates

·         Review the attached paperwork (everyone received a copy at the meeting)

·         A tentative date of April 20th was looked at for the Chiefs dinner and Hall of fame. Tentative times of 4pm to 7pm were thrown out. A definitive decision will be made next meeting as to where it will be housed

·         Please see the handouts for the Hall of fame Coins, Pins and Plaques


Training Committee:

·         The Rural water drill will be on Saturday November 4th . The request was made to send pieces from each company, as well as find your own coverage

·         Discussion was had on a Skills/Training Day, CPR refresher, Zoll Trainings, Consults, Etc


New Business:

None of note, Meeting was adjourned. Next meeting will be the Chiefs association End of year dinner, on December 12th, at 6pm, Hosted by Rock Hall VFC. Chesapeake Seafood will be catering.


Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - March 23, 2023

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 7,  March 23, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Station 3- Jeff Haley Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Lou Mancuso Station 6-Chief John Darling Station 7- Troy White, Mike Hildebrand Station 8 Allan Schauber, Chief Jason Lobley,   OES Communication-Brad Russum,


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Jason Lobley and carried by members present.


Treasurer Report- Mark Dixon gave his report but did not give the Secretary a copy. We will get it for the next minutes at Station 2 in May.


Commissioner John Price addressed the group, Advised that we are in the budget hearing process and Chief’s should try to get on agenda.He knows money is tight at the County but try for additional funding this year.


MFRI: Otis reported that EMT’s can be 16 years of age.


OES: Brad   New EMS Chief for County is Logan Quinn

New Emergency Planner is on line now.

Wayne is retiring but extended to April 27th.

Paging system is messed up again.

Radio maintenance money will pay to fix it.

Speaker mike’s there is no update yet.

Batteries there is no updatte.


Kent EMS: Logan  April 8 Rock Hall and Galena will have EMT’s

New Transfer policy coming out soon.

Met with Queen Anne’s, they will use Kent resources first.

Call out will be paged for additional coverage.

Emails will go out to Chief’s about Kent’s staffing

Otis asked to call unit Paramedic 1-1


Training: Otis advised Station 6 will hold Lithium Battery training

Jason Anthony(NYFD) will be going over the Prop’s

Nothing fromDNR on Boat Day in Rock Hall


Old Business: Otis brought up a name for the ES Board. Lynn Sutton as member at large was voted on and carried to be on Board.

Master List for LOSAP please contact Jim or Allan ASAP.

We need to go to the Commissioners as a group not individual companies to the Commissioners.  Allan to call Shelly Heller office to get on agenda ASAP. Jeff Thompson or Ben Coppage to speaker for the Association.

New Business: Jason stated he can not get a EMS Council meeting so it will come to the Chief’s Association meeting at Station 8 next month.

Jim Henderson wants to be a preceptor but needs to be voted on by the EMS Council. Motion was made and second to make him a preceptor in the County, motion carried unanimously.


LOSAP repair Insurance Company will be at the next meeting

KNOX BOX: We need another person to work with Larry on them.

  Need a master list to Brad Russum for 911 Center information on their locations    throughout the County.

May 2, 2023 is start of an EVOC class at Station 5. Most of class will be by zoom(Computer).


With no other business for the good of the organization a motion was made by Jason and second by Otis to adjourn. Motion carried.


Allan W. Schauber

Secretary, KCCA

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - February 23, 2023

Chief Association meeting Minutes

February 23rd, 2023

 The Regular meeting of the Kent County Chiefs Association was called to order by President Jim Price at 1910hrs, at Kent County Station 6. 

 - Pledge of allegiance

Roll Call:

Station 2 – Charlie Boyles, Station 3 – Jeff Haley, Station 4 – Jim Price, Bob Gwynn, Station 5 – Louie Mancusso, Station 6 – John “Otis” Darling, Station 7 – Troy White, Station 8 – Jason Lobley

Kent OES Director – Wayne Darrell

Kent OES Communications – Brad Russum

Treasurer and Secretary both Absent

Guests: Jack Beall, MFRI

SGT David Corcoran, DNR


Motion by Chief Darling and Second By Charlie Boyles was made to accept the Minutes with grammar fixes


Treasurers Report:

Checking Account 

Opening balance






Current Balance



Savings Account

Opening Balance






Current Balance



Total Monies on Hand

Checking Account


Savings Account







·         SGT David Corcoran attended the KCCA meeting to offer any assistance moving into the 2023 year. SGT Corcoran advised members of the importance of communication with them during search and rescue efforts and that moving forward they would attempt to get an officer to whomever is running command, to help relay important information.

·         Questions were asked about the coast guard and its ability to help, SGT Corcoran advised that the coast guard tends to do their own search that’s predesignated by a computer printout and that they will rarely deviate from it. SGT Corcoran also advised that when it came to body recovery and searches, they would typically be the spearheading agency, Not the coast guard.

·         When questioned about best communication practices, Comm Chief Russum advised that it was easiest for the Fire departments to remain on our assigned Tac channel and that dispatch would be able to patch Marine 2 or the DNR operating channel to us.


·         SGT Corcoran Did a brief overview of the “Caltopo” Application that DNR is using. This app helps set up search patterns and give real time updates. Something to potentially look at for command to utilize while boats are searching.

·         The conversation was ended with SGT Corcoran wanting to set up a training day where everyone could bring their vessels to a designated area and go over what equipment each company/DNR has available. This was to be coordinated by Jason Lobley



·         Jack Beall Gave updates on numerous training opportunities coming up including the Judd Holand Leadership Seminar on _____ 4th and 5th

·         Jack noted there were changes to the Pumps class over view, as well as changes from the Vehicle, machinery extrication course. This would now be condensed into one program known as “Common Passenger Vehicle” and then “Heavy vehicle” to follow it.

·         Mention was made of Betterton's EVOC class still trying to get off the ground, Jack assured he was just waiting on instructor availability.

·         Jack Mentioned that Chief Darling has inquired about an ARFF class and they would be looking into it for some time in April


OES Director Darrell -

·         Wayne Announced the appointments of new staff joining the OES Team:

Brian Pearsall – Emergency Planner

Logan Quinn – OES EMS Chief

Krista Cain-Rideout – EMT-B

Zachary Stroh – EMT-B


OES Communications Chief Russum -

·         No Update on Mics as of the meeting (reference Email sent after meeting)

·         Chief Russum requested an updated Master Knox Box List from Larry Hastings

·         Public Safety has been issued radios and will now be able to communicate with Kent dispatch and the surrounding agencies. Call signs are PS (Public Safety) 1-22. Once the next batch of updates is ready Chief Russum will add their channels to the remaining county radios.

·         Chief Russum advised the Station specific Pre-Alerts should be back up and running, He had been in contact with Chief technologies and they had found an issue on their end. Please let him know if you have any additional issues moving forward.


Training Updates by Chief Darling -

·         County fire Drill was Cancelled Due to the owner having sentiments about the property, and no longer wanting to be burned

·         Lithium-Ion Battery training Hosted by Chestertown VFC on March 26th at 9 am, presented by Chief Donohue from MDE. Head count will be needed ahead of time, Report to Chief Darling.

·         Afterwards a train the trainer on the KCCA “Door Prop” so it can begin to be utilized by departments

·         Chief Price Still waiting to hear back on the county Water Drill


Old business:

·         Sharon Truitt Presented the case again in regard to Mrs. Caple, who had been a member since 2000. The KCCA stood fast on the decision that If she would like to sign up and start over she most certainly could, however, it was a failure on the leadership at the time in her not being signed up and the ultimate responsibility of the department

·         Sharon also made mention of the possibility of a member signing herself up to receive LOSAP and purposely leaving names off the list. President Price Requested a Master list needs to be obtained from Allan Schauber

·         5 RIT Bags were purchased


New Business:

·         Chief Darling wanted it made known that if a decision is made by the KCCA that everyone was to abide by that unless readdressed with the entire body at a KCCA meeting, No one person had the right to go against the decision of the group.

·         Chief Russum advised that the website now has an events page, which can be used by all departments to promote their fundraising efforts and help coordinate events to not short anyone else. Chief Darling Suggested that Letting the county tourism know as well may be able to help spread the word and boost turnouts

·         The Fire chiefs representative to the ES Board has expired, A motion was made and seconded to Keep Chris Powell on for now.

·          Jessie Downey Sr. Has made a Request to be put on the standards committee, Chief Darling also mentioned that they all needed to be reviewed/updated in the near future.


Meeting adjourned at 2043hrs with the next meeting Scheduled for 3/23/23, At Rock hall Starting at 7pm

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - February 1, 2023

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 5, Feb. 1, 2023


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Station 3- Jeff Haley Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Chris Sarecose, renin Grapes, Lou MancusoStation 6-Chief John Darling Station 7- Troy White Station 8 Allan Schauber, Chief Jason Lobley,   OES Communication-Brad Russum,



Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Charlie Boyles and carried by members present.


Treasurer Report- Mark Dixon

Opening Balance Checking  41,320.44  Deposit 7,882.70, Bills  1430.00  Balance 47,773.14

Deposits checking 1.70 interest, Insurance Refund 2281.00, 5,000.00 County Allotment

Withdrawl Checking 1350.00 Insurance Refund, 80.00 Post Office Box rental


Savings Opening 39,403.13 Deposit Interest 1.94 Ending Balance 39,405.07


OES-Brad Russum

Wayne to be back on Feb 13 from back surgery

Still looking for citizen rep for ES Board

Have NO radio batteries

Ordered 5 new portables  $28,000.00 with grant monies

March 19 or 26  Electric Vehicle training t station 6


Knox Box: Need a n updated list for Brad

Training: Otis

Process started on a skills day and burning of a house

Permit for the burn is Feb 25, Claude is working on this

Meet at Station 4 at 730am

Water Supply drill in spring, need a draft site


LOSAP: Allan Schauber

Each company received a census which needs to be filled out and returned at next meeting

Working on class for company coordinators  LOSAP/Tax Incentive

Chiefs voted that if you are not in the current LOSAP you will start out new as soon as you are signed up for the program.


New Business:

Otis brought up that the RIT paks are out dated. He has talked to Scott Ward and we can purchase new ones at 3,350.00 each, Motion was made, second and carried to buy 6 new RIT Packs at a cost of 20,100.00

Old Business: 

Station 2 needs the Fit test machine

Diving needs to be a local Station thing. No County Dive Team

Pre alerts: Brad will reach out to Chief Mobil with problems



Elections for 2023

President  Jim Price

Vice Pres. John Darling

Secretary  Allan Schauber

Treasurer  Mark Dixon


Next meeting to be held at Station 6 (Chestertown) at 1900 hrs on Feb. 23, 2023



Allan W. Schauber Secretary KCCA

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - December 8, 2022

 The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 3,  Dec. 8, 2022


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Eric Crossley, Arron Brown, CJ Morales Station 3- Bert Piasecki, Jeff Haley Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-No one Station 6-Chief John Darling Station 7- Mike Hildebrand Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, D.C Jason Lobley, Larry and Kathy Hastings  OES Communication-Brad Russum, E.R. Bobby Joe


Christmas Dinner


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Charlie Boyles and carried by members present.


Treasurer Report- Mark Dixon

Opening Balance Checking  45,121.28  Deposit 1501.27, Bills  5,302.11  Balance 41,320.44

Deposits checking 1.27 interest  Lisbon Vol Fire 1500.00(Old Compressor)

Withdrawl Checking 2,500.00 Jimmy Price (Diamond Plating) 63.32 Sam’s Club Drill food

165.00 Twinney’s Drill Food, 26.40 Sassy River Market (Food Drill), 450.00 Phillips Garage Towing bus for drill, 1047.39 Kennedyville Vol Fire  (Items for Cascade trailer)


Savings Opening 39,426.18 Deposit Interest 3.95 Ending Balance 39,430.13

Allan made motion second by Otis to accept Treasurer report. Motion carried


OES- Brad  Wayne’s surgery went well and he is back to work

Send County Commissioners a xmas party invitation

All Task Force and Strike Teams have been completed in CAD

Fire Police Numbers needed by Brad

Active 911 has expired 702.00 not paid yet.

Speakers shipping date is Jan 13th, 2023

Radio batteries are going up in price on 12/09/2022

Card to Ed Hickman - Recently had a Heart Attack


Old Business: Forcible Entry trailer at Station 6 on Dec. 18, 2022

Thank You for MCI Drill

508 papers due to 400 High Street by 12/09/2022

Jan-Feb House Fire drill at Station 4

EMT Refresher at Station 8 in January

EMT Class January at Station 3

January meeting will be held at station 5

No other business the meeting was adjourned at 2022



Allan W. Schauber Secretary KCCA

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - October 27, 2022

 The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 6,  Oct. 27, 2022


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle Station 3- No one Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-No one Station 6-Chief John Darling,Kyle Thompson Station 7- Mat Darling Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, D.C Jason Lobley  OES Communication-Wayne DarrellBrad Russum


Motion to accept minutes by Otis Darling, Second by Charlie Boyles and carried by members present.


Commissioner Candidates attended this meeting. A discussion followed the meal the 5 Commissioner Candidates.


Treasurer report ; Payments Dukes Moore for trailer insurance. 

              Savings Opening Balance 39,422.10, Deposit 2.14, Current Balance 39,424.24

total Money on hand 59,704.08

Motion by Otis second by Charlie to approve the Treasurers report.


OES Wayne & Brad

Tanker task force has been entered into CAD

Comm Trailer has a roof leak.

F/P # numbers needed by Brad

51,995.00 is the 3 year contract for Fire Recording

RIT task force removed from CAD

The Dorchester County response was appreciated.

Not Gen 911 conversion delayed until April

988 is the National mental Health Suicide number

Medical Director has been approved by the Commissioners.

LaMotte’s Cyanide work went well.

Training: Otis has flyers for MCI

    Needs apparatus and personnel count to DC8 for MCI

    Breakfast and Lunch to be provided at MCI drill

    Door Prop mounts on trailer now.


Old Business: Still need a ES Board representative(Citizen)

Need to order radio mic’s for each company(6 each) $10,554.12

Magnum will be the vendor, motion to purchase by Chief 2 second Chief 7, motion carried by members present.

Air Trailer Solomons has a newer compressor for 8,000.00 Lisbon V. F C will buy the older one for 1,500.00(sold). Jim Price will order other items needed to complete the trailer. Motion to purchase equipment made by Otis Second by Charlie with a cap of 25,000.00.  Motion carried by members present.

Grain Rescue Kit will be installed on the Air Trailer.

12/8 will be the Joint Christmas Party Fire Chiefs/EMS Council. Chester River Seafood will cater, will be held at Station 3 at 7pm.


The November meeting was suspended due to Thanksgiving

Otis made a motion for the Chief’s Association to pay for breakfast and lunch at the MCI. Motion carried by members present.

New : January Elections/meeting to be held at station 4 Kennedyville

Rescue Engine 6 is in but not in service yet.



With no other business for the good of this organization and motion carried to adjourn meeting at 21:20 hrs.



Allan Schauber, Secretary Kent County Fire Chief’s


Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - September 22, 2022

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 2,  Sept. 22, 2022


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle Station 3- Bert Piasecki Station 4-Chief Jim Price, Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Lou Mancuso Station 6-Chief John Darling, Kyle Thompson Station 7- No Attendance Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber,  OES Communication-Brad Russum


Motion to accept minutes by Bert Piasecki, Second by Lou Mancuso, and carried by members present.


Treasurer report; Checking account opening balance 22,563.65 Deposit 1.19, Payments 1500.00 Westminster Fire Co., 167.00 NAPA for absorbent, 493.00 Knox Company, 125.00 MFCA Foundation Current Balance 20,279.84  

              Savings Opening Balance 39,422.10, Deposit 2.14, Current Balance 39,424.24

total Money on hand 59,704.08


OES Brad Russum

Duke Moore bill to Jim Price

No Planner in County as Ginger has retired.

Fire Prevention is coming up in Rock Hall and Chestertown

Emergency reporting will be going away in 2024

CAD changes have been fixed

Tanker Task force is still not completed.

Fire Police will be acknowledged and checked on over the radio by Kent

LaMotte needs to have updates placed in CAD system

Training: Otis discussed the upcoming MCI drill. A date change is now Nov. 5th for the Bus accident drill. Millington can not participate in this drill.


Old Business: Still need a representative of the ES Board for citizens at large.

  County Commissioner Candidates will be attending the next Chief’s meeting at Station 6   “Chestertown”

The Air Compressor is at Station 4 Kennedyville.

We could sell this compressor and get a new one of 6000psi for 8000.00

Motion was made by Otis seconded by Bert to sell the current compressor and purchase the new one for 8,000.00. Motion carried.

Grain Rescue Kit is still at station 6

The LZ at Station 8 is still usable.

Allan talked about 508 money, MSFA credentials, and Fire reports still need to be completed before County will disperse 508 funds to companies.



With no other business for the good of this organization and motion carried to adjourn meeting at 2032 hrs.

Allan Schauber, 

Secretary Kent County Fire Chief’s

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - May 26, 2022

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 7,  Mar.26,2022



Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Jessie Downey, Eric Crossley Station 3- No attendance Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Noattendance Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Matt Dowling Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, OES Communication-No attendance



There were no minutes from the previous meeting to vote on.

Treasurer report:

Checking- opening 34,567.69 current balance 29,427.29

deposit 1.30, bills Rescue Squad 67.73, Ridgeley Fire 250.00, Weller Trailer 4648.97 Shelley Title 175.00


Savings39,412.32     Total combined in hand 68,839.61


Training: June 18,2022 propane training at Millington Vol Fire co. from 8-2

Water Drill: Jimmy’s Instructor want to do the next class his way. Next drill Sept. -Oct. 2022


Donation to Ridgeley Vol. Fire Co. for 400.00 for Water Drill

Chestertown Vol Fire Co standby crew for water drill was 142.35


Betterton is looking to get an EMT class off the ground soon.


E.S. Board: Jason Miller is intersted in the ES Board. He will be invited to the next chiefs meeting by Mark Dixon.


Old Business: Mark Dixon  given the Title to new Trailer.


Debit Cards have been gotten and given to President and Vice President


AIR CART FOR COUNTY- OTIS HAS FOUND ONE.  Jimmy Price will be getting prices to build a trailer from scratch. A motion by Otis Darling, second by Charlie Boyles to get hard prices on this and bring to next meeting. Motion carried


New Business:Allan Schauber talked about the recent Regional Boat meeting at Kent Island V.F.D.

Chestertown water system is down, pump problems and no hydrants.


Jessie will ask the guy about grain training to be held at Squad.


There was talk about County Special Permits for events and Fire Depts. not being notified.

Need to train our members on the proper use of the KNOX Box equipment on apparatus and procedures to follow.


With no other business for the good of this organization Mat Darling motioned , second by Allan Schauber to adjourn the meeting at 0807


Next meeting at Station 8 Rescue Squad

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - March 24, 2022

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 5,  Mar.24,2022



Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle, Jessie Downey Station 3- Bert Piaseki Station 4-Chief Jim Price , Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5- Lou Mancuso Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Matt Dowling Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, OES Communication Chief Brad Russum, Mike Heffron


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 6, second Chief 3 Motion carried by those present.


OES: Brad Russum

New County EMT is Chris Tingen, starts April 29th.

Have one opening in Dispatch Center

Dave Rice out till April 1st.

Portable radio layout papers handed out. Voted to only have scan option for Officers and Mobil radios.

10-11-12 will be Kent Special Channels 1-2-3 will stay same, Fire Police will channel 9

Handouts given out on the Family Dollar fire

We need a Water supply channel working fires(Should be requested by Command)

TAC 6 to be renamed Water Supply.

Rock Hall Tower site has been down for weeks. Brad installed a Temp. UPS in place.

Chief Mobil is still having issues.


Treasurer Report: Mark Dixon

Fab work on trailer 3165.38

Chief Mobil 1050.00

Dukes Moore Trailer Ins.     83.00

Marella's     149.50

Brad Russum     15.00

Motion By Bert and Second by Charlie to pay bills. Passed unanimously


Training: Otis

Water Supply drill is April 30th at 8 am station 7

Contact Otis with a number of personnel coming to this drill

EMS Mass Casualty drill to be at Kennedyville School in Fall.

Propane training at Millington on June 11th at 8 am.

Notify Jessie with number of personnel for this drill

Farm training coming this fall. Will be a Friday night and Saturday/Sunday

Need Greg Johnston to come to July Chiefs meeting.


Old Business:

Educate our personnel on run assignment sheets.

Fit test machines need to move to next companies on May 1st.

Sta. 8 has one currently and Sta. 4 will be sending other out for recalibration.

Debit Cards needed for Chief’s Association. 1000.00 max with only 2 cards( Pres. & V.P. only)


E. S. Board Mike Heffron

April 16th is Heroism Award Seminar, Firefighter of Year, EMT of Year.


Otis had a list of Contractor Resources he went over. All Chiefs need to look at resources in their first due areas to add to this list.


New Business: N.F. Flag to be ordered for trailer.


Nothing else for the good of the Association the meeting was adjourned at 20:29 hrs.

Next meeting at Station 6 at 1900 hrs

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - February 23, 2022

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 4,  Feb.23, 2022



Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyle Station 3- No one Station 4-Chief Jim Price, Mark Dixon& Bob Gwynn, Station 5- No one Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- RJ Dowling Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Jason Lobley, Larry Hastings OES Communication Chief Brad Russum, 


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 6, second Mark Dixon, Motion carried by those present.


MFRI- Jack Beall Grain Rescue training, Perdue in Salisbury has a program

Ice Rescue training, MFRI will not support

John Shomaker in AA Co. has an Ice program.

Allan to get with Otis on SOG for Ice Rescue

Training: SIMMS Center we need some date for Kent CO.

MFRI has updated the EMT class again.MOD 3 Exam now includes Chapter 1.

Fire ONE and EMT: No student will test unless all homework is completed before test.


Treasurer: Mark Dixon gave report.

Checking: Starting 28,726.24 Deposit 5001.14 Payment 72.00 closing 33,655.38

                Deposits 5000.00 county allotment, 1.14 interest

    Payment: 72.00 P.O. Box rental

Savings: Starting 32,007.03  Deposit 7400.00 closing 39,407.03

    Deposit: 7,400.00 Chesapeake Workers

Motion made by Chief 6, second Chief 8 to accept Treasurer report. Carried by those present.



O.E.S.  Brad Russum

Held interviews for new EMT with no decision yet.

Will be asking for 3 EMT positions in upcoming 2023 Budget

Looking at funding for new radios

Terry is working on Tanker Task force box assignments

Brad discussed the radio channels

` Allan Asked about Police Scanning.KCSD going to encryption in less than 2 months so no need in doing this.

Knox Box: Larry Hastings

Has an updated list of boxes in County and will send to all chief’s

Creafil now has a knox box at the main gate

There are now more than 100 Boxes through out the County.


Training: Otis Darling

Charlie said that Propane Co. can not do live fires anymore. They have to be done at MFRI.

Water Supply training: We need to ask Ridgely to bring their Canteen on April 30,2022

8 am at Station 7 Rock Hall.

Tractor Supply: Jim is working to get a trailer for the Forcible Entry Prop.


Old Business: Station 6 has returned to fit test machine

Station 8 will have it next.


EMT class for Betterton. Contact Chief 5 with student names

President Price handed out Box Alrm assignment sheets for Engines, Towers, Tankers & Rescue’s


No one brought resource lists. PLEASE BRING TO NEXT MEETING


New Business: New Heaters and Pop up tent bought for SOT 8

Thank You letter needs to go to Ridgely from Chief’s Association along with a check for 250.00 for the fire in Chestertown. Motion by Jim, second by Allan and carried by those present.


How can we help Dispatch with EMS calls when an Engine does not get out. We need to come up with a solution.


With no other business for the good of this organization a motion was made to close the meeting at 2045 hrs. The next meeting will be at Station 5 Betterton on March 17,2022 at 1900 hrs.


Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - December 9, 2021

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 2,  Dec. 9, 2021.


Dinner was had by all in attendance for the Holiday Season.



Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyles, Jessie Downey Station 3- Chris Powell, Brian Knotts Station 4-Chief Jim Price & Bob Gwynn,Station 5- Lou Mancuso, Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- No one, Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, Capt. Kathy Hastings, Larry Hastings, OES Communication Chief Brad Russum, EMS Chief Dave Rice


Motion to accept the minutes by Charlie Boyles, second Otis Darling. Motion carried by those present.


Serenity Kelly and Amanda talked to the group about the Mobil Wellness Team in Kent County.


Treasurer: Chris Powell reported 

Checking Balance  33,414.01 deposits 1.51 Payments 3283.69 Closing Balance 30,131.83

Savings Balance 32,003.82 Deposits 1.51 Closing Balance 32,005.35

Motion was made to accept the Treasurers report.


OES Brad Russum reported

    Working Fire has been added to Sta 6,7 and part of 3 responses at this time. 

     Prealerts seem to be working at this time on Chief Mobil.

    Need list of who needs batteries to Brad asap.


Knox Box: Larry will be updating the list after January 1, 2022


Training: 12/19 will be forcible entry training at Sta 6

            Head count to Chief 6 by 12/15 please 

            No news on new trailer

           Cold water training Otis and Allan to work on this.


Standards: No report at this time.


Old Business: Chris Powell is the Chiefs representative for ES Board.

             Grain Rescue Device at Sta. 6 for SOT 8

            Lynch Southern States has a Rescue Device also.

            Millington still has the Fit test machine. Sta. 6 wants it next.

            Betterton is almost finished with the second machine.

           County has another fit test machine in Lynch. Need to look into if we can use it also.

           Otis gave Dave the gift from the Chief’s to help wiithhis travel for wife’s treatments.


New Business: Workman's Comp issues to be looked into for next meeting.

Kent EMS is short two Paramedics until late January

Next meeting will be at Sta 3 at 1900hrs.on January 27,2022

                        Dave Rice talked about the protocol on Epi Pens and their expense., jurisdictional operation protocol. Dave talked as though we would be drawing up our own epic in next 60 days.

Motion made by Chief 5 and second by Chief 6 to adjourn at 2110 hrs.

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - October 28, 2021

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 8,  Oct. 28, 2021.


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyles Station 3- No one Station 4-Chief Jim Price & Bob Gwynn,Station 5- Buddy Campbell, Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Deputy Chief R.J. , Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, Capt. Kathy Hastings, Larry Hastings, OES Communication Chief Brad Russum


Motion to accept the minutes by Buddy Campbell, second Chief 6. Motion carried by those present.


Chris Powell and Mike Heffron were appointed by Commissioners to ES Board.


Treasurers report:  Allan read report from Chris. Motion made by Chief 6, second by Bud Campbell to accept the report.

                           The KCCA website bill for startup and yearly fee of 672.99. Motion by Chief 2 to pay this bill. second by Chief 8 and carried by members present.



OES: Wayne Darrell is advising that Logan Quinn is the  OIC for Kent EMS for a period of time not determined at this time.

 Tomorrow’s tidal event for 10/29/2021 will be the most serious from the storms.

3rd Boosters with Kent County Health Dept. will be soon. He is sending out a link to all Chief’s.Please share this link with your personnel.

Otis made a request for a 100.00 gift card for Dave Rice . RJ second and carried by those present.


Brad Russum requested a vote be taken to do away with realert for ambulances. Vote carried 5-1 to do away with realerting home company

Prealerts are live with Brad explaining the system to the Chiefs

Active 911 side of prealert is not set up yet.

Otis made a motion, Allan second to try the all county alert for 30 days, Motion carried.

We need a list of Rescue’s with Cascade systems to Brad ASAP

Tanker Task Force still not done at 911

Allan Asked about adding a Police channel on the radios


Knox Box: Larry reported KC Library has a new Director

                   Building behind Library has a know box now.

                   Knox Boxes now are $500.00

337 1/2, 215, 337 High and 236 Cannon are getting Know Boxes.

Training: Otis reported

Delmarva Power training on Nov 6 at Millington

Forcible Entry class 11/21 or 12/29 at Station 6

Bert to look into new trailer

Also look at Kellers Trailer in Bridgeville Delaware

Jessie Downey working on Gas training

Rick McIntyre working on a Water relay drill for spring 2022

David Lewis: Jan- Feb 2022 Understanding Mental Health Wellness from MSFA


Standards: Buddy signed SOG for Betterton


Old Business: Mr. Burgess Tucker/ one of the last Charter Members of this association passed away recently. This Association sent flowers to his funeral (Maltese Cross)

 Donohue will work with us in Dec. to get the trailers backup to service.

Grain Rescue Devices are in Millington and Rock Hall and the new one will be on SOT 8.

Otis to get with Jason about SOT 8 and grain rescue equipment.

Millington still has the Fit test machine.


New Business: Otis said the new small mic had been located. They are 264.00 each. We are looking at buying 10 for each station(Brad to look at radio budget)

Otis talked about his concern for working for the county, volunteering and not wanting to run volunteers away.


With no other good for the organization Buddy Campbell made a motion to adjourn at 2032 hrs.

Next meant will be at Station 2 for our Christmas party on December 9,2021 at 1900hrs.

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - September 22, 2021

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 6,  Sept. 22, 2021.


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Charlie Boyles Station 3-Bert Piasecki, Chris Powell, Station 4-Chief Jim Price & Bob Gwynn, Mark DixonStation 5- Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Chief Matt Dowling, Deputy Chief R.J. , Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, OES Communication Chief Brad Russum


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 3, second Chief 2. Motion carried by those present.


Mr. Mike Heffron was in attendance and there was a motion by Chief 3, second Chief 2 and passed unanimously to forward his name and Chris Powell to the Commissioners to be appointed to the E S Board for 2022


Treasurer report: Chris Powell gave three reports from the last 3 meetings. Motion carried to accept the Treasurers report. 

Received a check from Chesapeake Employers for $8,581.00

Chris is moving 20,000.00 from checking to Savings.

Chris will be keeping the Treasurers job until December. 


OES: Brad Russum

Prealerts are in a trial basis till end of year in B,D, E call types. Will revisit in early 2022

Headsets for 5 and 7 brush trucks are in.

Bought 20 new batteries for radios.

Motorola is saying our radios are NOT Intrinsically safe.

Pager count from each company to Brad ASAP

2 promotions at 911  John Machen and Don Meesapia

Quality Control reports are being done weekly at the 911 center now.

Still having monthly conference calls.


Training: Otis

Forcible entry prop is at Station 6

Class on Forcible Entry Prop will be on a Sunday in near future.

Purchase a Hands Cape Trailer- Motion made by Otis and Second by Bert, carried by members present.

Extrication, Water Supply, MCI drills needed in County for next spring.

No response from Propane Company on a drill

Bert will check with Tri-Gas in Galena also.



Standards: President Price

Handed out Standard SOG-1-23 All department were asked Yes or No. All Chiefs signed off on SOG 1-23 except Betterton who was not present.

Box Alarm Sheets were gone over and will be laminated soon.

Confirmed working Fires will have SOT-8 dispatched year round now.

EMS Council President Jason Lobley talked about 1 SOG’s County wide and changes to EMS Officer standard.


Old Business: Chief Schauber brought about Medical Director Deb Davis and her living out of State. A discussion  followed and the Chiefs will be there to support the EMS Council with this matter.

By next Chiefs meeting a letter between the two organizations will be written about M/D Davis


Mr. Donovan was talked to about the Worton Creek incident

Fill out forms for payment or fill out on line.

Otis will send a link to all Chief’s.


New Business:

Otis brought up about a website for the KCCA

$624.00 initial setup fee, Motion made by Chief 3, second by Chief 6 and carried by members present.

9/26-10/03 is Fallen Firefighters week. See Otis about this event.

October 9th- Millington to have a Open House.

Fit Test machine currently at station 2.

Oct. 2 from 9-1 is a Safety Seat Check at station 6

Oct. 30th is Open House at station 6


With no other business for the good of this organization the meeting adjourned at 2052. Next meeting is at Station 8 on October 28,2021 at 1900hrs.


Allan W. Schauber



Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - June 24, 2021

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1905 hrs at Station 5 on June 24, 2021.


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- No one here Station 3-No one here, Station 4-Chief Jim Price & Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Chief Lou Mancuso Jr. Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Chief Matt Dowling, Deputy Chief R.J. , Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, OES Wayne Darrell & Communication Chief Brad Russum


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 6, second Chief 7. Motion carried by those present.


Treasurers Report: Chris did not send a report for tonights meeting.

Chief 6 requested that the Association acquire a Debit card with very limited access and a separate account also. Motion carried by members present.



OES Report: Wayne announced that Brad Russum is the new Communication Chief.

We have hired 3 new dispatchers starting soon.

We have had a total of 7 new dispatchers in 2021. Please be patient with us.

We have 1 new EMT position for 2021

Please send emails to Wayne & Brad with all problems or complaints.

We have a $25,000.00 grant for new portable radio batteries.

E.S. Board changes are every 2 years.

Charlene Perry to stay on until Sept. 1.

Send all recommendations for E.S. Board to Kent Commissioners by Sept 1.

Brad reported: Fire-ERS just bought out by ESO

The Marine meeting was attended by many Counties in the area.

US Coast Guard Still Pond will be manned from Apr.-Oct.( Daylight hrs only)

Degrees and minutes are needed for GPS coordinates for USCG(Boat calls)

USCG has 3 boats in Annapolis.

Marine 2 can be used by Kent Co. Boats

We do not have to use Marine 2 but it will be cross patched by Dispatch

USCG is offering to come to Kent for training anytime.

Justin Shackeford is the USCG Commander at Annapolis


Knox Box: A letter needs to be written to the Kent Co. Commissioners  about new construction and Knox box installation. Wayne to check on this. Dixon Valve has been very receptive to all Fire/EMS requests at there new site.




Training: Otis advised that the Forcible Entry prop should be here in about two weeks.

    Wayne Hutch (Deleware) has approved training for “Thru the Lock”training class.

    This training will be on a Sunday.

                 Grain Rescue Class (Centreville) Crow Insurance will pay for the class $5,000.00

    Will be scheduled after July 4th using our equipment.


Standards: There was a question of two sets of standards for fire/ems by Otis Darling.  We will  look at the Google drive for an answer.


LOSAP: Allan needs updated lists from some departments for the audit of eligible members.

All mail needs to be addressed to 104 Vickers Drive  Unit D Chestertown, MD for all

County related bills for LOSAP or INSURANCES.

Some retirees are having check problems.


Old Business:Jessie Downey Jr. is working on run assignments for the County.

EMS Calls-Home Company to be alerted till someone finally responds.

We need solutions for EMS responses.

508 Funds end of year is June 30th.


New Business: Otis thanked everyone for voting for the MSFA convention online

DNR Grants close July 15th at 4 pm

July 4th Boat 8 to Great Oak for Fireworks

We need updated cards for Great Oak

July 3rd Rock Hall Fireworks Boat 8 7pm

July 15-17 is the County Fair. We need people at the recruit booth Thurs, Fri. & Saturday at SOT 8.

There is talk of the 9-11 ceremonies all at one location this year. RJ will look into this(possibly 8pm).

Parade July 3rd 10 pm in Rock Hall

Need to look into High School Career Day

Someone needs to contact Fran Jester for MIFRI Coordinator email 

EMS 810 will be retiring soon.

EMS Council President asked to have a person from each company to come to every Council meeting.

July 1 was the protocol update deadline for all EMS providers.

With no other good for the organization a motion made to adjourn at 0836.


Next meeting at Station 6 on July 22, 2021

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - May 21, 2021

The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 4 on May 21, 2021.


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Chief Charlie Boyles Station 3-Chief Chris Powell, Station 4-Chief Jim Price  Station 5-Lou Mancuso, Station 6-Chief John Darling,Brad Russum Station 7- Deputy Chief R.J., Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, Capt. Kathy Hastings,OES David Rice


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 6, second Deputy Chief 8. Motion carried by those present.


Treasurers report:

Checking: opening 29,256.08   deposit 11,583.00,  Payments 1,050.00 Chief Technologie, 7,742.50 Trex Fire Training Solutions, 80.08 Chestertown VFC, 851.00 Knox Box CCorp., 125.00 Maryland Fire Chief’s, 77.45 Chestertown VFC, Deposits Interest- 1.34, 1.12, 1.13, .87, 200.00 Radcliffe Corporate Services, 11,351.00 Chesapeake Employers, 27.54 Knox Box Corp.  Ending Balance 30,913.05


Motion to accept the Treasurers report by Chief 8, second Chief 6, carried by those present.


OES- Dave Rice had no report at this time.


Knox Box- No Report


Training:  Otis reported that 1 Fit Test machine has come back from calibration.

    He also reported that mid June should be the arrival of Force Entry Prop

    Propane- No answer from Chesapeake Utilities.

    Delmarva Power prop is in the works.

    Chief 8 asked for MFRI - Centreville Directors email address.

    MFRI training forms need to be in soon.


Standards: Chris has put the standards on google drive as of January

      Please look at before next meeting.

      Everyone needs to update their ISO tack maps.

                  Q.A. Engine 52 is now Squad 5.


LOSAP: Chief 8 asked that every department have members sign up for the LOSAP


HOF: Chris had no report right now.

          Past Chief’s dinner is at Kennedyville this year.


Old Business: Deputy Chief 8 is waiting for pricing for new PAT card readers. Chief 6 made a motion to scrap the idea of card readers and move forward with a general PAT, second by Chief 2 and carried by those present.


Add Chris Powell to the text groups for Chief Association meetings.


June 10, 2021 will be the next EMS Council meeting which will be held viral and in person  at station 8.


508 Funds- End of year is approaching soon. Spend your money by July 1st.


New Business:  Bariatric Patients, Deputy Chief 8 advised the Chiefs of the plan in place at the              911 center. Advise 911 that you have a bariatric patient as soon as possible as       there is a 45 minute response time for a Bariatric unit to Kent County.


We need to figure a system to assist the 911 center of units in service in the county. Staffed/Unstaffed for a a more rapid response to all types of emergencies. There was a long discussion on this topic. Needs to be taken back to everyone’s department.


Possible solutions were County paying Volunteers per call. Need to also look at the possibility of lose of Nonprofit status because of this.


The EMS baskets were a hit with the paid EMS staff.

Dispatchers also sent a thank you for their baskets for Dipatcher week.


Names for EMS Board position. No names were brought to the list chief meeting. 


Chestertown’s Rescue Engine has been ordered. 13 months from delivery.

Betterton to borrow Boat 81 from station. Their boat is out for repairs.

Kent County EMS is fully staffed again.


With No other business for the good of the organization the meeting was adjourned at  21:10 hrs. Next meeting at Station 5 June 24th at 1900hrs.

​Special Attention


Chief 2,3,5,6,&7 please bring list of members currently enrolled in the LOSAP program to Betterton’s meeting.   Insurance Company wanted an audit to remove duplicate memberships.

Fire Chiefs Monthly Meeting - February 25, 2021



The regular meeting of the Kent County Chief’s Association was called to order by President  Jim Price 1900 hrs at Station 2 on Feb. 25, 2021.


Pledge of Allegiance to the U.S. Flag


Roll Call

Station 2- Chief Charlie Boyles, Station 3-Chief Bert Piaseci, Station 4-Chief Jim Price & Bob Gwynn, Station 5-Chief Lou Mancusso, Station 6-Chief John Darling, Station 7- Chief Matt Dowling, Station 8-Chief Allan Schauber, Deputy Chief Jason Lobley, William Lobley,OES Todd McGinnis.


Motion to accept the minutes by Chief 6, second Chief 3. Motion carried by those present.


Treasurer’s report: See attached reports for Dec. 31, 2020 and Feb 25, 2021 from Chris Powell

Chris recommends suspension of dues for 2021. Motion by Chief 6, secChief 3. Motion carried.

Chris also recommends suspension of add in Tidewater Trader.   Motion by Chief 6, sec by Chief 3 to suspend Tidewater Trader add except for the Hunting Issue.Motion carried by those present.


OES: Todd McGinnis reported

    Task Force, Strike Team: Motorola recommends to build additional response plan into the CAD. This would be over 15,000notes would need to be added.

Fire Police radios will not be bought by OES. There are the following requests for F.P. radios: Betterton 1, Millington 1, Rock Hall 5


President Price advised all debts to monitor F.P. radio use to justify portable radio needs.


Todd says station 3 has 4 F.P. radio’s.

Pre alerts: Todd has sent out an email to all dispatchers on this.

All complaints need to be written up and emailed to Wayne and Todd so there is a chain of custody for future use.

All Chiefs are reminded to tell all PERSONNEL to stop calling or texting about equipment not being dispatched. DO NOT CALL 911 center during EMERGENCY’s


In station CAD’s have been fixed and now operational at all stations again.

A video has been sent to all stations about the Spillman Touch.


Chief 6 asked why the Box was not filled the other night. Todd responded that the CAD froze up, was rebooted and other apparatuses responding. Also there has been County Network problems occurring recently.  Ztron is working on the backside also.


Fit Test: Galena has 1 machine now, Chestertown has the equipment for the other machine that is out for calibration right now. 

Training: Otis Darling:Chair, Bill Lobley, Jessie Downey Sr., Lou Mancuso are the committee for 2021.

Chesapeake Utility has been contacted by Otis on training.

Man versus Machinery. Otis to receive emails for prices from them.

A Forcible Entry Prop could cost up to 6,555.00 with all bells and whistles. Otis will check on breakdown in pricing extra’s.

Not date on any Ice Rescue training from Betterton.


Know Box: Larry Hastings :Chair, Jason Lobley are committee for 2021.

Station 6 has turned in updated list to Larry 


Standards/SOG’s: Chris Powell: Chair, Allan Schauber , John Darling  are committee for 2021.


LOSAP: Allan Schauber: Chair, John Darling committee for 2021.


Communications: John Darling: Chair, Jason Lobley are committee for 2021.


Hall of Fame: Chris Powell: Chair, Allan Schauber are committee for 2021.


Fit Testing: Chad Clark: Chair, Allan Schauber are committee for 2021.



Turners Creek Boat Ramp still out of service.


Daytime responses: Otis warned that there were 4 pieces of Apparatus and only 5 personnel on the recent MVC in Still Pond. Daytime responses are very short in Kent County.


Photographers should have their departments approval of release of photo’s before posting them on the Internet. Kent County Chief’s do have a Social Media Policy.


Discussion held about the EMS Council and the E/S Board community member. There needs to be a change. All companies were asked to bring prospective names to next Chief’s meeting.


Standards: When a PAR is called the DRIVER WILL NOT answer.  The Crew Leader/Officer will do the talking to Kent.


NEW BUSINESS: Queen Anne’s Chief 6 thanked everyone for their  assistance on a call recently.

KENT EMS has received their new ambulance. Waiting on MIEMSS Inspection.

Jim Price asked when did we stop inspecting ambulances. He will research this.

Radio lists to Todd ASAP from departments.


With no other business for the good of the Association the meeting was adjourned at 2047 hrs. Next meeting will be at Station 3  at 7pm, March 25, 2021