Apparatus Pre-Arrival Assignments
Kent County Chiefs Association
Standard Operating Guidelines &
Standard Operating Procedures
Subject: Apparatus Pre-Arrival Assignments for
Structure Fires
SOG # 1-20
July 2020
Approved by: President Daniel Menchey
The Kent County Chiefs Association adopted Apparatus Pre-Arrival Assignments for Structure Fires and this Policy and Guideline will standardize Structure Fire Operations.
To establish a standardized guideline for company’s or departments operating within Kent County for “Apparatus Pre-Arrival Assignments for Structural Fires”. All Kent County Fire Company’s or Departments and out of county and out state mutual companies or departments will follow this policy and guideline for all hazard incidents involving a Structure Response or any incident the Incident Commander deems necessary.
The goal of the this S.O.G. is to make sure that critical emergency task are assigned without unnecessary radio traffic to and from apparatus. Help eliminate apparatus asking for an assignment
The Incident Commander can deviate from the Apparatus Pre-Arrival Assignments if they deem it necessary.
1st Due Engine:
Establish Water Supply
Forward Lay
Split Lay - Provide layout instructions for the 2nd Due Engine
Split lay for tanker operations
If 1st Due Engine does not establish a water supply, they should provide direction/assignment to the 1st Due Tanker or the 2nd Due Engine.
Provide Proper Size-Up
Address if different from dispatched address
Number of floors/stories
Type of Structure
Type I-V, Wood frame, Middle of Row, High Rise
Conditions evident on arrival
Initial Actions
Mode of operations (Offensive, Defensive, Investigating)
Establish or Pass Command
If Command is Passed, designate who will establish Command
Ensure a 360 Size Up is Completed
Either by completing the 360 or assigning 360 via radio transmission
Deploy proper size handline for Fire containment/extinguishment
1st Due Tanker:
Ensure water supply for the 1st Due Engine
Pump supply line, Pick up split lay, Water shuttle/tanker operations
2nd Due Engine:
Responded to 1st Due Engine’s Layout Location
Ensure water supply for 1st Due Engine
Via 1st Due Tanker or 2nd Due Engine
Pump supply line, Pick up split lay, Water shuttle/tanker operations
Crew will ensure that 1st handline is in place and operating
Crew will deploy 2nd handline from the 1st Due Engine to the proper location to assist in fire containment/extinguishment
If Command not established or designated the 2nd Due Engine officer will ensure that Command is established
3rd Due Engine:
Establish Secondary Water Supply
If Charlie side is accessible, Deploy supply line to the Charlie side
Forward Lay
Split Lay - Provide layout instructions for the 2nd Due Engine
Split lay for tanker operations
**Report to Command - Responsible establishing the initial RIT, until relieved or reassigned by Command**
2nd Due Tanker:
Ensure water supply for 3rd Due Engine
Pump supply line, pick up split lay, Water shuttle/Tanker operations
4th Due Engine:
Responded to 3rd Due Engine’s Layout Location
Ensure water supply for 3rd Due Engine
Via 2nd Due Tanker or 4th Due Engine
Pump supply line, Pick up split lay, Water shuttle/tanker operations
Unless assigned by Command via radio, Report to Command Post for assignment
1st Due Special Service:
Inside Team
Forcible Entry
Primary Search
Known rescue, immediate fire area out, floor above, top floor
Outside Team
Charlie Side Report
Horizontal and Vertical ventilation as needed
Ladder Charlie and Delta sides of the building
Secure the Utilities
Charlie Side Report:
Number of stories in the rear
Any conditions evident
Does the structure have a basement?
Is there a FIRE in the basement?
Any additional pertinent conditions
Fire extending to exposures
2nd Due Special Service:
Inside Team - Work with 1st Due Special Service
Forcible Entry
Primary Search
Known rescue, immediate fire area out, floor above, top floor
Outside Team - Work with 1st Due Special Service
Ensure Charlie Side Report has been completed
Horizontal and Vertical ventilation as needed
Ladder Alpha and Bravo sides of the building
Secure the Utilities
3rd Due Special Service (RIT):
Stage or position apparatus as appropriate
Rapid Intervention Team
Stage Apparatus out of the way
Active RIT
RIT Pack, Access to AED Immediately
Ground Ladders
Ventilation/Window Removal (Coordinated Ventilation)
3rd Due Tanker, Tanker Task Force Tankers and additional alarm Tankers:
Ensure Water Supply to the 1st Due and or 2nd Due Tanker
Prepare for Water Shuttle Operations
Tanker Task Force Engine:
Ensure a Tanker Fill Site is established
Rivers or Ponds or Streams or hydrant
Consider more than one fill site
Ask for additional resources if using more than one fill site
1st Due Ambulance and Kent County Paramedic:
Positions in an area to set up Rehab
Check civilians or victims for injuries
Established Rehab
Ask Command to call for additional resources if needed.
2nd Due Ambulance and Kent County Paramedic:
Stage away from scene in case you must transport from the scene
Assist with Rehab
Additional Alarm (2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.), Strike Teams and Task Force Apparatus:
Ensure Staging has been or is established
Accomplished by the Officer of the first arriving piece.
Await further instructions from Command
Betterton Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
Chief Daniel Menchey
Chestertown Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
Chief John Darling
Community Volunteer Fire Company of Millington, Inc.
Chief Richard McIntyre
Galena Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
Chief Christopher A. Powell
Kennedyville Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.
Chief James L. Price, Jr.
Kent & Queen Anne’s Rescue Squad, Inc.
Chief Allan Schauber
Rock Hall Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.
Chief Troy White
Kent County Emergency Service Board
Chair Charlene Perry